Finally. It’s “The” Announcement. The one that you all keep hearing about, but maybe you already heard through the grapevine cause we’re not very good at keeping secrets.

For the last 10 months, myself and five other gals in the wedding industry have been working on something very, very special.

It all started out over a bit of wine, as all great ideas do 🙂 We wanted to do something great for our community while creating a buzz in our industry. So we created Get Hitched, Give Hope, Seattle’s first non-profit organization aimed at brides, grooms and the wedding industry that is dedicated to raise money for great causes!!

Our Event: October 23rd at the newly renovated Arctic Club Hotel

Our Draw: Get Gorgeous Goods While Giving Back. Top notch vendors and businesses have donated some great items that are useful for your wedding (and most can be used by anyone, so drag your moms and co-workers over too!). There will be drinks, apps, auctions, raffles, and of course, the famed jellybeans, wink wink!

Our Featured Charity: The Making Memories Foundation. They are sort of like a “Make a Wish” for adults, granting wishes to stage 4 breast cancer patients. We want to be able to grant like 12 wishes… which means we’ve got to raise something like 50 grand. We’ve got a great community and wonderful friends and clients, so there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to!!! We’ve been SO INCREDIBLY FORTUNATE with our wonderful sponsors, so we anticipate that every dollar donated (through auction, raffle, and money raised at the event!) will be going straight to MMF! Bid it up!

Our website is HERE.

Tickets are HERE.

Donations can be made HERE.

Check out our lovely fantastic and most awesome sponsors and friends HERE.

See how your business can be involved HERE.

See more about our founders HERE, but specifically Michelle Engvall, Barbie Hull, Kelly Simants, Eliza Truitt, Michelle Loretta, yours truly.

See you THERE!!!!

OH, and if you’re going, you’re a sponsor, you’re a friend, you’re a client, or you’re a believer, spread the word by embedding this tile on your website or blog or email! Help us pack the house!!! You can either use this graphic tile, or embed this code that automatically links to the GHGH site:

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”Get Hitched Give Hope” /></a>

Get Hitched Give Hope