Get Hitched Give Hope’s annual charity bridal auction is back! It’s only 2 weeks away, and I’m giving away 2 pairs of tickets!!!
:: WHAT :: You will truly be able to get gorgeous goods for your wedding by giving back. Seattle’s top wedding professionals have been personally invited to exhibit their services and products, with silent auctions, raffles, and a final, show-stopping live auction! The items up for grabs are not just limited to pre-wedding prep, day-of services, and newlyweds, there are some great goods for moms, dads, grooms, and friends!
:: WHEN :: October 28th, 2010. Doors at 6pm with raffles, auctions, and live entertainment beginning shortly thereafter.
:: WHERE :: The Four Seasons Hotel Seattle, 99 Union Street, Seattle, WA 98101
:: WHY :: To grant wishes to stage 4 breast cancer patients for whom the cure can’t come soon enough.
:: HOW TO WIN TICKETS :: Enter by simply leaving a comment below on this blog and do your part to spread the word about a GREAT cause & FANTASTIC event (facebook/tweet/email/repost/talk about it around the water cooler today!).
We’ll randomly draw a name at 6pm on Friday October 15th (PST) and contact you via email, so don’t forget to fill in your email.
Or…would you rather just buy your tickets now? or make a tax deductible* donation online instead?
*Get Hitched Give Hope is a 5013(c) organization run by volunteers. Consult your tax professional so you do it right and the gov’t doesn’t get irritated.