My first larger Japanese album is finally here! These are the new line of AsukaBooks that I decided to offer a few months ago. They are a professionally designed and printed coffee-table style book, and oh so gorgeous. Here you can see the custom designed cover and page layouts, plus a nice customized black case. I opted for the matte pages instead of the glossy- with glossy your colors really pop, but the matte pages are so silky and nice to touch. The printing almost rivals photographic prints. I was so excited yesterday when I picked it up from UPS, I took some quick pictures to show you all…

We can also use these books as custom guest books that include pictures from your getting-to-know-you shoot (a.k.a. engagement portraits with a twist). Typically the pages are designed with one or two images per page, and then an entire blank page with tons of rooms for your guests’ wishes. You can also see the vellum slip case it comes with. Just plan ahead with this since they do take a month to print once they’re designed!!