So… some of you may know about my struggles with email lately- my old website server was incredibly unreliable at delivery of emails, which really put a crimp in project productivity! So… in hopes of solving that uncool issue, I’ve launched a whole new website, on a whole new server, with a whole new look!
Take a peek!
More images are coming soon, so if you’re a past or present client, you’ll more than likely find yourself on there somewhere! And if not yet, then sit tight- I’ll be rotating images out more often to keep things fresh, and you’re probably still on the blog.
I’m afraid there were some reported casualties: if you had emailed us this last weekend (probably Sunday through Monday) and you haven’t heard back yet, the email may have been -gasp!- lost in cyberspace during the switchover!! Rest assured, all systems are a go and fully functional at this time- I look forward to hearing from you again. Thank you for flying and enjoy your stay!