A couple of weeks ago one of my best pals, Barbie Hull, and I decided to take a little breather from office work and editing images and taxes and email to go shoot for ourselves. Every year we plan on taking a day trip to Mt. Vernon to shoot the tulips during the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, but every year April comes and goes and we just get too busy with the usual hubbub. Finally, after 6 years of saying we’re going to do it and then letting the opportunity slip by, we planned a whole afternoon to drive up to shoot daffodils, tulips, mud, and funny three wheeled tractors that hog the entire road when they pass you! Since it’s Earth Day, here are some of my favorites from this little-mini-day-trip-shooting-excursion!
here’s Barbie shooting across the field…why does she remind me of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz??
the field had flooded and dried so many times that there was a thick layer of this cracked, semi-dry clay on top, sealing air underneath. when we walked on it we literally bounced, like a trampoline! (we’re such little kids sometimes!)