So you may have noticed we’ve been a little MIA lately. That’s because amidst the flurry of wedding season we’ve moved! While things have been being wrapped, boxed up, carried, driven, carried, unpacked, and unwrapped a little feature was posted that we haven’t had a chance to flaunt yet. And it’s one we are really, really excited about. Like, want to shout from the rooftops excited. Like has been giving us the anxious butterfly flutters since months ago we found out Offbeat Bride was going to publish it.

It’s my mom’s wedding!!!!

Laurel McConnell Photography wedding feature on Offbeat Bride.


Yep, Offbeat Bride featured my mom’s super lovely, intimate, lakeside wedding. Check it out!

Extra love to Fiore Blossoms and Bella Umbrella for rocking it out!

Check back next month when we will blog more of their superrad day, just in time for their one year anniversary.