Sweet, sweet baby Press. Kirsten and Shane‘s bouncing baby boy arrived and man-oh-man is he a cutie! He just happens to be lucky enough to be born to some parents with serious style. This nursery is out of this word: hot air balloons, a polka-dot wall, and vintage children’s toys. Does this room come in our grown-up size? What a joy to photograph such sweet, beginning moments with these three!

Lifestyle nursery portrait.Modern newborn nursery photography.Lifestyle newborn portrait.Look at that tiny, little bundle!Fun, relaxed newborn portraiture.Newborn nursery portrait session in Seattle, Washington.Relaxed, natural newborn portraits in Seattle, Washington.Modern newborn photography.Such sweet faces and teeny toes.Sweet Seattle baby photographer.Sweet, candid family portrait during newborn photo session.‘Come on guys!’ you can practically read Press’ mind here.Unique, modern newborn baby photography.Modern family portrait photography on location in Seattle, WA.Awwww!Newborn portraits with dad and mom during family portrait session.Sweet, modern newborn portrait photography.Adorable modern newborn portrait photography.That hat! He is just too much!


Thanks so much guys for welcoming us into your home and entrusting us to capture this most precious of times.