It’s here. It’s finally here.
When we were in art school, I would save up for months just to be able to buy one issue of Photo District News. It was the go-to resource for commercial photographers. It talked about art, trends, technology, and the Greats in photography. It was THE magazine. You looked up to it. You coveted it. You poured over their stories in awe of the artistry and business of photography. I mean, it’s PDN. THE PDN.
I could hardly believe my ears when Nikon called me back in January with an amazing honor and opportunity. They were embarking on a series of photographer spotlights to go into some of our industry’s hottest trade magazines, and wanted to know if I was game for their article in the wedding issue of PDN. Um, is this an early April Fool’s joke or something? Some really mean prank? Oh no. It was real. Oh.My.Gosh. This is the most exciting thing to happen in my young little career of 11 years.
I needed to send some of my favorite images on over. They asked for 10. I sent 72. (sorry guys!) A fun & fantastic writer for PDN, Kristina Feliciano, interviewed me and asked some tough questions. Then the final cut and rough draft. I still couldn’t believe it. My work on a 2-page spread in PDN Magazine!!!! PDN! National press! For other photographers to see!!!!! Oh, and they needed a head shot, stat. I wasn’t about to send my current head shot to PDN & Nikon, I mean, I’m shoving a cupcake in my mouth for cryin out loud. So, enter the uberrad Barbie Hull. She made me a lovely portrait that afternoon, and it fit oh-so-well with the tone of the article (thank you B!).
So here it is. The May issue of PDN magazine. Their annual wedding photography issue. It will be on newsstands in just a week or two, unless you’re a subscriber, and then you should have it waiting for you in your mailbox. It’s stuffed full with great articles on the business of weddings, new ideas like adding video to your photography products, wedding mishap disaster stories, and of course, the highly anticipated Top Knots contest winners. (p.s. that is not my image on the cover, although it’s so sweet! I just wanted to show off my very Von Trapp curtain shirt 🙂
So yep. This is what all those cryptic tweets, facebook messages, and our super secret mimosas were all about this morning. Cheers to my lovely clients who let me do what I love to do!!! I wouldn’t be in this magazine if it weren’t for your trust and willingness to go along with my whackadoodle ideas!